At the present stage, the topic of environmental research is actively developing in all areas of human activity, and becomes a cornerstone in their formation and development. The following concepts are widely accepted: ecological nurture, the issue of ecology in science and art, ecological education, ecology of culture, ecology of human behavior, ecological safety of the environment, etc. The conservation and development of environmental criteria seems to be a factor in the sustainable development of all processes of human activity in the context of globalization and internationalization. The issues of preserving the identity and ecology of culture are of particular importance. In this article, using the Kazakh language as an example, are given the words that reflect the essence of the cultural ecology of the people. According to the opinion of the authors, the study of a foreign language must begin with words that reveal spiritual life, ideology, worldview, beliefs, a strong connection that unites the outdated, living and future generations of the people into one great historical living whole. It is proposed to adopt a comprehensive method of learning a foreign language through the study of the entire culture of the people.