Energy is one of the important building blocks in human development and act as a key factor in determining the economic development of any country. To meeting the demands of a developing nation, Energy requirement in the Form of Coal, Gas, oil and most important Electricity is necessary. This paper attempts to present full picture of Indian energy sector which is growing rapidly. However since, resource allocation and growth in energy supply have failed to meet the demands exerted by the increasing population, rapid urbanization and growing economy. First we identify factor of energy shortage in India, forcing it to rely heavily on imports.
Second we develop a multiple linear regression model which includes all independent variables (Population, Inflation, and GDP) to determine energy consumption in India. India is a developing economy. Energy requirement in India are basically electricity, oil, coal, biomass and gas. India’s energy-mix comprises both non-renewable (coal, lignite, petroleum and natural gas) and renewable energy sources (wind, solar, small hydro, biomass, cogeneration biogases etc.). Based on these model we give conclusion such that which independent variable (population, Inflation and GDP) is more impacting coal, oil, gas and electricity consumption in India as well as Current patterns of energy use and assumptions about future trends in economic activity, we constructed an activity driven model to forecast what would be the natural short term evolution of energy use in India for each end use segment by. Through analysis of current patterns of energy use, drivers of energy use were collected at the sub-sector level. We connected drivers of model with evolution of GDP to determine what would be the impact of economic growth on drivers of energy use. It also includes fuel or technology switching in the forecast.