Ayurveda the ancient science well known for its potential therapeutic effects with unique metallic, herbal juices/fruits in the treatment of chronic ailments. A well- known ayurvedic potent preparation, Bhasma is also known as ash which is a metallic base prepared by sophisticated pharmaceutical processes also plays a major role in acute, sub-acute, and chronic diseases. In order to determine its quality and purity to make sure the acceptability, the safety of the formulation standardization is very necessary. In this short review, an attempt has been made to present ancient methods to standardize physical characterstics like Verna, Nisvadutam, Nishchandratvam, Varitara, Unama, Rekhapurmatvam, Slakshmatvam..etc.,and chemical characterstics of bhasmas like Apurnabhavta, Niruttha, Amla Pariksha with advanced methods like SEM, TEM, and NPST, along with other natural and ancient analytical techniques.
Keywords: Bhasmas, Standardization, Analytical methods, SEM, TEM.