A Field experiment was conducted during Zaid 2023 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) on Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.). The soil of experimental plot was sandy loam in texture, low in organic carbon (0.452%), nearly neutral in soil pH (7.1), high nitrogen (178.48 kg/ha), medium phosphorous (23.6 kg/ha), medium potassium (231.4 kg/ha). The experiment laid out in a randomized block design consists of three replications along with three cowpea varieties (viz., Kashi Nidhi, Kashi Unnati, Kashi Kanchan) and three solid organic manures (i.e. Poultry manure 2 t/ha, Goat manure 10.5 t/ha, Pig manure 15 t/ha) which were replicated thrice. The results revealed that maximum plant height (52.73 cm), dry weight (15.03 g/plant), crop growth rate (12.57 g/m2/day), number of pods/plant (11.80), number of seeds/plant (11.50), test weight (81.00g), seed yield (2.40 t/ha), stover yield (4.10 t/ha). Maximum net returns (INR 79,515.00/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.30) which was significantly superior over other treatment T3 (Kashi Kanchan + Poultry manure 2 t/ha). It can be concluded that Kashi Kanchan variety with application of poultry manure 2 t/ha brought about significant improvement in the production and also proven economically viable in cowpea crop.