History of Present IllnessA 68-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a one-day history of lower back pain, arthralgias, and malaise. The patient had a previous splenectomy and was concerned about influenza.
Past Medical History, Social History, and Family HistoryHe has a history of osteoarthritis, seasonal allergies, and splenectomy. He is a nonsmoker. Family history is noncontributory.
Physical ExaminationUpon admission, the patient's vital signs were notable for a temperature of 35.3 degrees Celsius, blood pressure of 74/44 mmHg, oxygen saturation of 85% on room air with a respiratory rate of 24 breaths per minute. Physical exam was prominent for non-pitting edema of the distal upper and lower extremities, as well as diffuse macular rash of the palms and soles.