Summary of AccomplishmentsThe accomplishments of this research program emphasized the more promising directions of points (2) and (3) listed above, where the uncertainty management called out in point (1) was implicitly accommodated in the analysis. A particular emphasis of this research was the identification of nonlinear models based on high-speed video of flame dynamics. This is a key component of the thermo-acoustic feedback model studied extensively in previous AFOSR-sponsored research programs at UTRC. These results are presented in section 1.1.These concepts were extended to nonlinear model reduction based on tangent space approximations. Here local gramians are empirically computed based on perturbation trajectories. Key components of this research were the development and application of algorithms for approximating the nonlinear manifold for which a data set belongs, and identification of the nonlinear dynamics on the particular manifold. This lead to the concept of a hybrid (switching) locally affine dynamic texture model, based on the local tangent space approximation of the manifold. These results are presented in section 1.2. ^oUo^wvn Stability Analysis of Systems with Symmetry-Breaking is presented in section 1.3. Here, sufficient conditions are established for a nonlinear PDE model of thermo-acoustics with wave-speed mistuning. In investigating a new approach to stability analysis of the nonlinear thermo-acoustic model we developed the concept of continued fraction convergence as a condition for stability. Initial results are presented for a string of oscillators and the concepts are extended to the application of subsystems connected in a ring structure.The results of the current research are summarized in 7 journal papers (1 published, 1 accepted, 5 in preparation), 9 conference papers, and another 2 conference papers currently in preparation.