The ability of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin, and artemin to induce neurite outgrowth from dorsal root, superior cervical, and lumbar sympathetic ganglia from mice at a variety of development stages between embryonic day (E) 11.5 and postnatal day (P) 7 was examined by explanting ganglia onto collagen gels and growing them in the presence of agarose beads impregnated with the different GDNF family ligands. Artemin, GDNF, and neurturin were all capable of influencing neurite outgrowth from dorsal root and sympathetic ganglia, but the responses of each neuron type to the different ligands varied during development. Neurites from dorsal root ganglia responded to artemin at P0 and P7, to GDNF at E15.5 and P0, and to neurturin at E15.5, P0, and P6/7; thus, artemin, GDNF, and neurturin are all capable of influencing neurite outgrowth from dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neurites from superior cervical sympathetic ganglia responded significantly to artemin at E15.5, to GDNF at E15.5 and P0, and to neurturin at E15.5. Neurites from lumbar sympathetic ganglia responded to artemin at all stages from E11.5 to P7, to GDNF at P0 and P7 and to neurturin at E11.5 to P6/7. Combined with the data from previous studies that have examined the expression of GDNF family members, our data suggest that artemin plays a role in inducing neurite outgrowth from young sympathetic neurons in the early stages of sympathetic axon pathfinding, whereas GDNF and neurturin are likely to be important at later stages of sympathetic neuron development in inducing axons to enter particular target tissues once they are in the vicinity or to induce branching within target tissues. Superior cervical and lumbar sympathetic ganglia showed temporal differences in their responsiveness to artemin, GDNF, and neurturin, which probably partly reflects the rostrocaudal development of sympathetic ganglia and the tissues they innervate.