We introduce a combination of fixed point Floer homology and symplectic homology for Liouville domains. As an application, we detect non-trivial elements in the symplectic mapping class group of a Liouville domain.
2.Floer homology for symplectomorphism of a Liouville domain 2.1. Floer data and Admissible data.The exact symplectomorphisms form a group, denoted by Symp( W , λ/d). The functions associated to composition and inverse are given byWe define the subgroup Symp c (W, λ/d) of Symp( W , λ/d) byAn exact symplectomorphism is not required to be compactly supported. Every Hamiltonian symplectomorphism generated by a compactly supported Hamiltonian is exact. However, an exact symplectomorphism need not be Hamiltonian or even isotopic to the identity.Definition 2.2. A real number a is called admissible if it is not a period of a Reeb orbit of (M, β). Definition 2.3. Let φ ∈ Symp c (W, λ/d). Floer data for φ is a pair (H, J) of a (timedependent) Hamiltonian H t : W → R and a family J t of ω-compatible almost complex structures on W satisfying the following conditions. H and J are twisted by φ, i.e.In addition, the conditions below hold near infinity H t (x, r) = ar, (2.6) J t (x, r)ξ β = ξ β , (2.7) J t (x, r)∂ r = R β , (2.8)