For any asymptotically dynamically convex contact manifold Y , we show that SH * (W ) = 0 is a property independent of the choice of topologically simple (i.e. c 1 (W ) = 0 and π 1 (Y ) → π 1 (W ) is injective) Liouville filling W . In particular, if Y is the boundary of a flexible Weinstein domain, then any topologically simple Liouville filling W has vanishing symplectic homology. As a consequence, we answer a question of Lazarev partially: a contact manifold Y admitting flexible fillings determines the integral cohomology of all the topologically simple Liouville fillings of Y . The vanishing result provides an obstruction to flexible fillability. As an application, we show that all Brieskorn manifolds of dimension ≥ 5 cannot be filled by flexible Weinstein manifolds.