“…In this area, a ma jor geo log i cal bound ary di vid ing two do mains with dis tinct geo log i cal char ac ter is tics was pos tu lated nearly 100 years ago (e.g., Cloos, 1922;Bederke, 1929), and its ex act po si tion and sig nif i cance have been dis cussed ex ten sively since that time (e.g., Oberc 1968;Cymerman, 1993;Schulmann and Gayer, 2000;Opletal and Pecina, 2004;Jastrzêbski et al, 2015). In the mod ern tec tonic sub di vi sion of the Bo hemian Mas sif, the Orlica-OEnie¿nik Dome is usu ally con sid ered to be part of the Saxothuringian terrane (e.g., Franke and ¯elaŸniewicz, 2000;Cho pin et al, 2012;Aguilar et al, 2020), although it is some times con sid ered to be part of the Moldanubian terrane (Matte et al, 1990;Cymerman et al, 1997). The Velké Vrbno Dome and Branná Belt be long to the Silesian do main, which is the north west ern part of the Brunovistulian (Brunia) microplate (e.g., Schulmann and Gayer, 2000;Štípská et al, 2006;Jastrzêbski et al, 2015;Oberc-Dziedzic et al, 2021;Collett et al, 2021;Fig.…”