Clonal neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cells form synapses with striated muscle cells from different muscles and from different organisms, such as chick, mouse, and rat. Under appropriate conditions 65-80% of the muscle cells exhibited syna tic responses. The results indicate that most striated muscle cells have the same specificity for synapse formation and suggest that synaptogenesis is not dependent on interactions between complementary molecules on neuron and muscle cells that code for different synaptic connections.The problem of how neurons form synaptic connections and assemble into neural circuits with precision remains one of the most challenging issues in neurobiology. In essence most of the hypotheses which relate to this problem can be divided into two categories: either that cells which form synapses possess different kinds of cell recognition molecules which must interact with specificity prior to synapse formation; i.e., a code for matching one cell with another which leads to the formation of different kinds of synaptic connections (1); or the alternative hypothesis which is not based on a cell recognition code, that modification of synaptic connections dependent upon transmission across the synapse determines the final synaptic organization (2, 3).To understand the molecular nature of the factors that determine the specificity of synapse formation it would be advantageous to have homogenous populations of neurons that form synapses. Since normal neurons do not divide, clonal lines of neuroblastoma cells and somatic cell hybrids derived from neuroblastoma cells were generated and characterized with respect to receptors, neurotransmitters, action potential ionophores, and other properties which are required for synaptic communication (4,5 METHODS AND MATERIALS Cell Culture. Neuroblastoma X glioma NG108-15 hybrid cells were derived (B. Hamprecht, M. Nirenberg, and T. Amano, submitted for publication) by fusion of mouse neuroblastoma clone N18TG-2, resistant to 6-thioguanine (5), with rat glioma clone C6BU-1, resistant to 5-bromodeoxyuridine (7). NG108-15 cells were cultured at 360 in Dulbecco-Vogt modification of Eagle's minimal essential medium (DMEM; Gibco Catalog no. H-21), 10% fetal bovine serum, 100MAM hypoxanthine, 1 MAM aminopterin, and 16MAM thymidine in a humidified atmosphere of 10% C02-90% air. The hybrid cells were shifted to a more differentiated state by culturing them for 1-3 weeks in the presence of I mM N6,02'-dibutyryl-adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (dibutyryl cAMP) (B. Hamprecht, M. Nirenberg, and T. Amano, submitted for publication) purified as described previously (6). The NG108-15 cells which were used in this study had been subcultured 15 to 20 times.Cultures of striated muscle cells were prepared by dissociation of cells from the hindlimbs of 18-to 21-day-old fetal C57BL/6N mice, 18-to 21-day-old fetal or newborn Wistar rats, or 10-day-old chick embryos (White Leghorn) as described previously (6). Each collagen-coated 35 mm plastic culture dish usually was inocul...