An ultrastructural analysis of spread, silver stained meiotic nuclei of wheat, Triticum aestivum, has been performed. Partial tracings of lateral components and synaptonemal complexes of a number ofleptotene and early zygotene nuclei, and complete tracings of eleven mid zygotene, seven late zygotene, twenty pachytene, twelve early diplotene, twenty-one mid diplotene and sixteen late diplotene nuclei have permitted the following observations and conclusions: 1) The chromosomes appear to be randomly distributed within the spread leptotene and early zygotene nuclei. 2) The complement length, i.e., the lateral component length of the three genomes, decreases from a mean of 2063 Ixm at mid zygotene to 1806 ~tm at late zygotene and 1474 ~tm at pachytene. 3) Chromosome pairing is initiated preferentially from the telomeres. These are aggregated during zygotene whereby a chromosome bouquet is established. Synaptonemal complex formation is thereafter also initiated interstitially, the mean number of synaptonemal complex segments being 156 per nucleus in the eleven mid zygotene nuclei where on the average 61% of the complement is paired. 4) Chromosome pairing and synaptonemal complex formation remain frequently incomplete. In most cases, however, more than 95% of the complement has synapsed. 5) Interlocking of lateral components and synaptonemal complexes is frequent at zygotene. Detailed analysis of one mid zygotene nucleus revealed more than 20 intedockings, most of them being bivalent interlockings. At late zygotene there was a mean of 5 bivalent intedockings per nucleus and a few chromosome intedockings. Some interlockings persist up to pachytene and a few may remain into diplotene. 6) Multiple associations of chromosomes, probably signifying pairing between homoeologues, are seen in eight of the eleven mid zygotene nuclei, in four of the seven late zygotene nuclei, in three of the 20 pachytene nuclei and possibly in one of the early diplotene nuclei. 7) Synaptonemal complex degradation is initiated at a limited number of sites at the pachytene to diplotene transition, the number of retained synaptonemal complex segments amounting to 89, 119 and 136 at early, mid and late diplotene. This exceeds thb number of chiasmata observable at metaphase I in the light microscope by a factor of two to three. 8) It is proposed that the diploid behaviour ofallohexaploid wheat results from: I) A high stringency of chromosome pairing at the beginning of zygotene whereby pairing preferentially is initiated between homologues. II) Transformation of multiple association into bivalents at the end of zygotene and during pachytene before crossing over occurs and/or III) a suppression of crossing over between paired segments of homoeologous chromosomes. The possible effect of the Ph gene(s) on the long arm of chromosome 5B is discussed.