There was an error published in J. Cell Sci. 128, 2374-2385.The reference Oustah et al. (2014) was cited incorrectly throughout the manuscript and in the reference list. Citations of Oustah et al. (2014) should read Al Oustah et al. (2014), and the correct reference is given below.Al Oustah, A., Danesin, C., Khouri-Farah, N., Farreny, M.-A., Escalas, N., Cochard, P., Glise, B. and Soula, C. (2014 show that glypican heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulate this process, through their heparan sulfate chains, in a cell autonomous manner. Heparan sulfate specifically modifies Shh processing at the cell surface, and purified glycosaminoglycans enhance the proteolytic removal of N-and C-terminal Shh peptides under cellfree conditions. The most likely explanation for these observations is direct Shh processing in the extracellular compartment, suggesting that heparan sulfate acts as a scaffold or activator for Shh ligands and the factors required for their turnover. We also show that purified heparan sulfate isolated from specific cell types and tissues mediates the release of bioactive Shh from pancreatic cancer cells, revealing a previously unknown regulatory role for these versatile molecules in a pathological context.