We selected widely distributed and well observed plant species Fraxinus chinensis to study the formation mechanism of geographical distribution of the plant phenophase changes and revealed their spatiotemporal dynamics in China. Based on the first leaf date (FLD) data at 12 sites derived from Chinese Phenological Observation Network (CPON) and related meteorological data, we developed and validated the process-based model of FLD for Fraxinus chinensis. After reconstructing data series of FLD for Fraxinus chinensis over the study area from 1952 to 2007, we analyzed different spatiotemporal patterns of phenophase changes of this species. The results suggested that the process-based model was able to simulate the FLD accurately for Fraxinus chinensis on large spatial and temporal scales, because of the consideration of different budding rate responded to the air temperatures during the dormancy and the quiescence in accordance with the physiological mechanism of plants. The geographical distribution of the spring phenology in temperate regions was determined by the spatial pattern of daily average air temperature. The changes of FLD for Fraxinus chinensis revealed significant phenological advances in most areas. However, it showed delayed trends in a few sites. The overall average change trend was 1.1 days/decade. This result was consistent with the advanced trend in other regions of the North Hemisphere. The changes of FLD showed a noticeable regional variation with clearer advance in the north than in the south. The FLD in northern China showed an average advance as high as 2.0 days/decade (P<0.01). And the advance in northeastern and northwestern China was respectively 1.5 and 1.4 days/decade (P<0.01). Furthermore, eastern and central regions showed a minor trend, which was 1.0 days/decade (P<0.05). The smallest and non-significant advance appeared in southwestern and southern China.
phenophases, phenological model, first leaf, Fraxinus chinensis
Citation:Wang H J, Dai J H, Ge Q S. The spatiotemporal characteristics of spring phenophase changes of Fraxinus chinensis in China from 1952 to 2007. Sci China Earth Sci, 2012, 55: 991 -1000, doi: 10.1007 Phenology is the study of periodic biological events influenced by the environment [1,2], and now attracts more attention in the context of global changes. Phenological phenomenon can reflect the impacts of climate change on the biological and physical systems [3], and bears the fingerprints of global warming [4]. Besides the meteorological, hydrologic and satellite data, phenological data have assumed a special role over the past several decades as an independent measure of the impacts of climate change on the biosphere [2]. Climate change affects plant phenology. Increased phenological changes in temperate forests are likely to have strong impacts on both distribution [5] and productivity [6] of tree species, and implicate the terrestrial storage of carbon [7]. Therefore an accurate reconstruction of the past phenology of woody plants is necessary for understan...