We harmonize many time-complexity classes DTIMEF(f(n))
(f(n) [ges ] n) with the PR functions
(at and above the elementary level) in a transfinite hierarchy of classes of functions
[Tscr ]α. Class [Tscr ]α is obtained by means of unlimited operators,
namely: a variant Π of the predicative or safe
recursion scheme, introduced by Leivant, and by Bellantoni and Cook, if α is a successor; and
constructive diagonalization if α is a limit. Substitution (SBST) is discarded because the time
complexity classes are not closed under this scheme. [Tscr ]α is a structure for the PR functions
finer than [Escr ]α, to the point that we have
[Tscr ]ε0 = [Escr ]3 (elementary functions). Although no explicit
use is made of hierarchy functions, it is proved that f(n) ∈ [Tscr ]α
implies f(n) [les ] nGα(n), where
Gα belongs to the slow growing hierarchy (of functions) studied, in particular,
by Girard and Wainer.