Die Diazabasketane 3a, b werden uber die Dihydrozwischenstufen 4a, b zu den Twistanderivaten 5a, b hydriert. Ausgehend von Sa, b erhalt man das 4,5-Diazatwist-Qen (I), dessen Thermolyse 9-Nortwistbrendan 2 liefert.
Thermolysis of 4,5-Diazatwist-4-ene to 9-NortwistbrendaneTwistane derivatives 5a, b are formed via the dihydrointermediates 4a, b by hydrogenation of diazabasketanes 3a, b. Starting with 5a, b 4.5-diazatwist-Qene (1) is obtained. Thermolysis of 1 leads to the formation of 9-nortwistbrendane 2.