Synthesis of Medium and Large Rings, XXXII']. -The [6](3,6)0xepinophane-[6](2,J)Furanophane Ring Contraction with Ruthenium TetroxideA one-pot synthesis of the furanophanes 2a and 2b by ring [7](3,6)oxepinophane l c leads to a complex mixture of the contraction of the oxepinophanes l a and l b is described. Ev-products 2d and 6 -10. 2a undergoes Diels-Alder reactions idence is presented that the reaction proceeds by subsequent with benzyne and 2,3-naphthalyne to give 11 and 12. The latter oxidation of two double bonds via the intermediates 3 and 4. forms the stable iron tricarbonyl complex 13. The structures On treatment with hydrochloric acid cis-4 gives 2a by 1,4-of 2c, 4,10,11, and 13 have been established by X-ray analyses. Die Konstitutionen 2a und 2b wurden vor allem durch Vergleich der 13C-NMR-und UV-Spektren rnit denen der Furan-3,4-dicarbon~aure~~**~~ nahegelegt und schlieBlich durch die Rontgenstrukturanalyse des aus 2 b und Diazomethan erhaltenen Dimethylesters 2c bewiesen (Abb. 1).2c wurde zunachst in der zentrosymmetrischen Raumgruppe P2,/n verfeinert ( R = 0.105). Hier fiihrte die starke Anisotropie der Schwingungsellipsoide zu einem Split-Mo-