Tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)pulladium(O) 1214. L. Daasch and D. Smith, Anal. Chern., 23, 855 (1951). 5. A dctailed description of filtration under nitrogen has been given by W. 1,.Jolly, Inorganic Syntheses, 11, 117 (1968).
TETRAKIS (TRIPHENYLPH0SPHINE)PALLADIUM(0) Submitted by D. R. COULSON* Checked b+ L. C. SATEKt and S. 0. GRIM?Preparation of phosphine and phosphite complexes of palltbdium(0) have been reported to result from reduction of pallti,dium(I1) complexes in the presence of the desired 1igarid.'-"The products are generally formulated as PdL4-, (wlwrcb n = 0, l), depending upon the nature and amount of thc ligSri,trtl used. A related complex, [Pd(P(CsH5)3)2],, has also I w t i reported.G Although this preparation is similar in concept l o 1I1cw previous ones, advantage is gained in being able to ol)l,niii 11, high yield of [Pd{P(C6H5)3) 4] in one step from pa11diiitii dichloride.
ProcedureA mixture of palladium dichloride (17.72 g., 0.10 molo), 1a.iphenylphosphine (131 g., 0.50 mole), and 1200 ml. of dimcthyl sulfoxide is placed in a single-necked, 2-l., round-botlolnt!cl flask equipped with a magnetic stirring bar and EL dual-oulld, adapter (Note 1 ) . A rubber septum and a vacuum-nitrogwt Inorganic Syntheses, Volume XIII Edited by F. A. Cotton