“…It was further shown that the ESR method may be sucessfully applied for a direct study of bond rupture in highly oriented fibers and films of the following polymers: polyethylene306, 510, 536, 540,1099,1100,1557,1800,1878.2474-2476,2479,2504), polypropylene1100, 1378,1800,1881,1877,1878,2504), polyisobutylene 306), polytetrafluoroethylene306, 1099,1100,1878,1880,2481), polydienes (see references in Chapter 8.4), poly(methyl methacrylate) 306,363,540,1100,1826,1876,1878), polystyrene306, 1468,1596,1826,2187), poly(vinyl alcohol)360, 1799), poly(vinyl chloride )1378), polyoxymethylene 11 00, 1799), poly(2,6-dimethyl-p-phenylene oxide )1559), polyamidesI78, 306,388,452,488,536,S38,540,542,848, 1058, 1095, 1378, 1385,1437,1774, 1905,2107,2190,2193,2212,2359,2360,2472,2474,2477,2499,2504) polyesters452, 540,1378,1556,1558,2013,2480), polysulphides 2506 ), polysiloxanes 29), wool and silk 2425 ) and lignin 797), polynucleotides (DNA)6, 7). It was further shown that the ESR method may be sucessfully applied for a direct study of bond rupture in highly oriented fibers and films of the following polymers: polyethylene306, 510, 536, 540,1099,1100,1557,1800,1878.2474-2476,2479,2504), polypropylene1100, 1378,1800,1881,1877,1878,2504), polyisobutylene 306)...…”