The time course of EPSCs and IPSCs is at least partly determined by the concentration profile of neurotransmitter acting on postsynaptic receptors. Several recent reports have suggested that the peak synaptic cleft concentration of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA likely reaches at least 500 M, a level that saturates the GABA A receptor. In the course of investigating the experimental anticonvulsant 3,3-diethyl-2-pyrrolidinone (diethyl-lactam), we have observed an important contribution to IPSC decay by subsaturating concentrations of GABA. Diethyl-lactam augments currents elicited by the exogenous application of subsaturating concentrations of GABA in voltage-clamped, cultured hippocampal neurons and significantly prolongs the decay of autaptic IPSCs and miniature IPSCs in our cultures. In addition, diethyl-lactam potentiates currents in excised outside-out membrane patches elicited by the prolonged application of low concentrations of GABA. However, when patches are exposed to 1-2 msec pulses of 1 mM GABA, diethyl-lactam does not alter current decay. Tiagabine, which blocks GABA reuptake, does not prolong IPSCs, so it is unlikely that uptake inhibition accounts for the enhancement of IPSCs. EPSCs and miniature IPSC frequency are unaffected by diethyl-lactam, again consistent with a postsynaptic site of action. We propose that during an IPSC, a substantial number of postsynaptic receptors must be exposed to subsaturating concentrations of GABA. A simplified model of GABA A receptor kinetics can account for the effects of diethyllactam on exogenous GABA and IPSCs if diethyl-lactam has its main effect on the monoliganded states of the GABA A receptor.
Key words: epilepsy; GABA; GABA A receptor; hippocampus; IPSC; outside-out patches; rapid application; synapseThe factors that regulate GABA A receptor-mediated inhibitory synaptic transmission are the focus of intense study because GABAergic inhibition plays a significant role in regulating electrical activity in the C NS. Furthermore, the GABA A receptor appears to be a target for anticonvulsants, sedative hypnotics, anesthetics, and anxiolytics. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, neurosteroids, and the ␥-butyrolactones are compounds that are known to enhance GABAergic inhibition (Macdonald et al., 1989b;T w yman and Macdonald, 1992;Rogers et al., 1994;Mathews et al., 1996).The duration of the synaptic GABA transient is determined by diffusion and uptake, depending on experimental preparation and conditions Lambert, 1992, 1994;Isaacson et al., 1993;Draguhn and Heinemann, 1996). The time course of the IPSC is dictated by these factors and by the kinetics of the GABA A receptor. Several groups have studied the duration and magnitude of the synaptic GABA transient (Maconochie et al., 1994;Jones and Westbrook, 1995;Tia et al., 1996) and shown that IPSCs can be partly mimicked by exposing excised outside-out patches to high (Ն500 M) concentrations of GABA for a few milliseconds. These experiments support the idea that IPSCs result from a very brief exposure of postsyn...