Using chemical-vapor deposition ͑CVD͒ precursors, group-IV compounds such as Si 4 C and Ge 4 C, which incorporate 20 at. % carbon, have been synthesized. Here we present systematic ab initio studies of the electronic and structural properties of group-IV compounds formed from CVD precursors. We also propose a class of precursor molecules for materials containing 25 at. % carbon. These compounds are energetically comparable to already synthesized materials ͑e.g., Ge 4 C) and are semimetallic within the local-density approximation. In addition, we give information for two previously proposed group-IV compounds, Si 2 Sn 2 C and Ge 3 SnC, which are direct-gap semiconductors and match the lattice of silicon to within 1%.We use the ab initio pseudopotential method 31 in the local-density approximation ͑LDA͒ with norm-conserving pseudopotentials 32 in a nonlocal form suggested by Kleinman and Bylander.