Gasoline is a petroleum-derived liquid that is most typically used in internal combustion engines, especially those utilizing spark ignition. Gasoline is a hydrocarbon blend that contains sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and other metals. Olefins, aromatics, paraffin, and naphthenes are the four main components of gasoline. An octane number is a unit of measurement for the ignition quality or flammability of gasoline.It is frequently referred to as the research octane number (RON), and it is calculated using a ratio of isooctane to n-heptane. The octane number can be decreased by lengthening the hydrocarbon molecule chain and increasing by branching the carbon chain. Another method is to use an octane number increaser for gasoline as an addition. These are classified as oxygenate, ether, antiknock agent, nanoparticles, and aromatic compounds. Numerous studies have been conducted to establish the influence of additives in gasoline on engine performance metrics such as braking power, thermal brake efficiency, volumetric efficiency, fuel consumption efficiency, and their impact on the environment. This review article aims to assess and compare the effects of various gasoline additives on the performance and emission characteristics of ignition engines.