Partículas coloidais têm sido empregadas na síntese dirigida por molde de diversos materiais, tais como semicondutores, metais e ligas. Esse método permite um controle da espessura do material resultante através da escolha adequada da carga aplicada no sistema e é possível produzir materiais densamente depositados, sem rachaduras. Esses materiais são fidedignos à estrutura do molde e, devido às amplas áreas superficiais obtidas, são muito interessantes em aplicações eletroquímicas. Neste trabalho, a distribuição de um molde de poliestireno monodisperso foi realizada sobre substratos de ouro, platina e carbono vítreo com o intuito de exemplificar a eletrodeposição de um óxido, um polímero condutor e um material híbrido orgânico-inorgânico, com aplicações em supercapacitores e sensores. Os desempenhos dos eletrodos nanoestruturados foram comparados com os análogos massivos e os resultados obtidos são descritos.Colloidal particles have been used to template the electrosynthesis of several materials, such as semiconductors, metals and alloys. The method allows good control over the thickness of the resulting material by choosing the appropriate charge applied to the system, and it is able to produce high density deposited materials without shrinkage. These materials are a true model of the template structure and, due to the high surface areas obtained, are very promising for use in electrochemical applications. In the present work, the assembly of monodisperse polystyrene templates was conduced over gold, platinum and glassy carbon substrates in order to show the electrodeposition of an oxide, a conducting polymer and a hybrid inorganic-organic material with applications in the supercapacitor and sensor fields. The performances of the resulting nanostructured films have been compared with the analogue bulk material and the results achieved are depicted in this paper.
Keywords: colloidal particle templates, polystyrene, macroporous materials, sensors, supercapacitors
IntroductionThree dimensional close packed arrays of monodisperse polystyrene or silica particles have attracted attention because of their potential to template synthesis of various materials.1 These spherical colloidal particles can be either synthesized 2 or commercially acquired in a range of diameters from few nanometers up to micrometer scale.Much of the interest in applying colloidal particles to template material synthesis has come from studies in photonic crystals, 3 and the first reported electrodeposition through colloidal templates concerned the synthesis of macroporous CdS and CdSe films for photonic bandgap studies. 4 Later papers have used colloidal particles to electrodeposit ordered macroporous films of other semiconductors, 5 metals, 6,7 alloys, 8 oxides 9 and conducting polymers. [10][11][12] The template technique is able to produce high density deposited materials, since the compounds are electrodeposited inside the template voids and around the surface of the colloidal particles. When the template is removed, there is no shrinkage o...