“…The preparation of the complex [Co(CO),],C .CH2CH2C0,H is reported.l5* The X-ray structure of bis(tricoba1t enneacarbonyl)acetone, obtained by heating the compound [Co(CO),],CBr to 90°c, shows that insertion of a carbonyl group between the two carbon atoms of the dimers to give is involved. 151 The interaction of 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne with cobalt carbonyl has been investigated, 162 The crystal structure of the complex n-C,H,Fe(CO),Mn( CO), has been determined and shows that the molecule contains a metal-metal bond.156 The preparation of the mixed carbonyls (CO),Re-Mn(CO),, (CO),Re-Co(CO),, and some derivatives has been effected by a Wurtz-type reaction between anionic and cationic carbonyl species. l5' A bidentate gold ligand, Ph,P*AuC,H4C6H4Au*PPh2, has been used to prepare the first chelate complex containing metal-metal bonds, by interaction of the ligand with the anion l?e(CO),2-.158 Cationic complexes in which mercury is bonded to iron,lS9 ruthenium, and osmium l60 carbonyl phosphine derivatives have been reported.…”