“…Cu-based delafossites have attracted attention due to their expected large hole mobility, a result of the mixing of Cu 3d and O 2p states forming the valence band. It has been reported that this delafossite structure allows the hosting of a multitude of M cations, namely p-block elements (Al [49,103,104], B [105][106][107], Ga [54,108,109] or In [110][111][112][113]), transition metals (Co [114,115], Cr [82,116,117], Fe [118][119][120], Mn [121,122], Rh [123], Sc [124][125][126] and Y [89,[126][127][128]), or lanthanides (La [129][130][131], Nd [132], Pr [133], Sm and Eu [134]). These materials were thoroughly investigated as they demonstrated interesting properties in the different fields: antibacterial [135,136], batteries [137], (photo)catalyse [83,131,[138][139][140], lumine...…”