An N-confused phlorin isomer bearing ad ipyrrin moiety at the a-position of the confused pyrrole ring (1)w as synthesized.P d II and B III coordination at the peripheral prodigiosin-like moiety of 1 afforded the corresponding complexes 2 and 3.R eflux of 2 in triethylamine (TEA) converted the meso-phenyl into the Pd II -coordinating phenoxy group to afford 4.U nder the same reaction conditions,T EA was linked to the a-position of the dipyrrin unit in 3 as an N,Ndiethylaminovinyl group to afford 5.F urthermore,p eripheral coordination of B III in 3 and 5 improved the planarity of the phlorin macrocycle and thus facilitated the coordination of Ag III at the inner cavity to afford 3-Ag and 5-Ag,respectively. These results providea ne ffective approach for developing unique porphyrinoids through peripheral coordination.