Loughborough University Institutional Repository gontrolling the ssemly of gPEsymmetri moleulr tetons using thiormte ppended royli left moleule nlogous to r¤ oger9s se his item ws sumitted to voughorough niversity9s snstitutionl epository y theGn uthorF Citation: veiD xF FFF et lFD PHITF gontrolling the ssemly of gPE symmetri moleulr tetons using thiormte ppended royli left moleule nlogous to r¤ oger9s seF grystl qrowth nd hesignD IT @UAD ppF QVRT!QVSPF Additional Information:• his doument is the eepted wnusript version of ulished ork tht ppered in finl form in grystl qrowth nd hesignD opyright emerin ghemil oiety fter peer review nd tehnil editing y the pulisherF o ess the finl edited nd pulished work seeX httpXGGpusFsForgGdoiGsGIHFIHPIGsFgdFTHHQVV
ABSTRACTBy way of appending the C 2 -symmetric carbocyclic cleft diol with thiocarbamates with varying substituents, significant control of the hydrogen bonded network can be achieved.Smaller alkyl substituents lead to the formation of stacked columns of components with the apex of one molecule suitably aligned in the cleft of a second. Aryl substituents however, lead to the formation of ribbons via an H-bonding network. Additionally, the packing of these ribbons into networks is considerably different between the enantiopure and racemic clefts, with the latter giving rise to channels within the crystal structure.2