The 1 -exo proton of tricarbon y 1-4 -ex0 -methyl -or tr icar bony1 -4-exo -et h y I -2 -methyl -1,2,3,4-tetra hydroisoquinolinechromium (6) and (7) can be regio-and stereo-selectively removed by t-butyl-lithium and replaced with a variety of electrophiles to give cis-I ,4-disubstituted 2-methyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline complexes. Oxidative decomplexation generates the corresponding cis-1,4-disubstituted tetrahydroisoquinolines. Similar methodology applied to tricarbonyl (4-exo-trimethylsilyl-2-methyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline)chromium (1 5) gives, after desilylation, 1 -exo-su bstituted tetrahydroisoquinoline complexes.Among the tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids * a number have been isolated which contain substituents in the 1-and 4-positions. These include the 4-hydroxyaporphines, e.g. cataline (1),2 the pyrroloisoquinolines, e.g. (2),3 which exhibit potent antidepressant activity and the 4-hydroxy-1-methyltetrahydroisoquinolines (3) which are believed alcohol a d d i~t i o n .~ OH 1 Me0 u Me0 (1) OH HO \ to be involved in Ph I I ( 3 )Although syntheses of simple polysubstituted tetrahydroisoquinolines, including the elaboration of 4-oxotetrahydroisoquinolines and the cyclisation of aldehydes with 1-hydroxy-2-phenylethyIamine~,~ are available, the stereoselective introduction of substituents into the 1-and 4-positions is generally difficult. Recently a general synthetic route to optically active 1-substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines has been developed by Meyers et al.,' and we have previously described the application of arene tricarbonylchromium methodology to the introduction of substituents into the 4-po~ition.'~'It has been established that benzylic carbanions co-ordinated to tricarbonylchromium are ~tabilised.~ Thus, 2-methyl-tetrahydroisoquinoline (4) undergoes regio-and stereo-selective 4-exo-deprotonation to generate the anion (5) (Scheme 1). * For clarity the descriptors 1,2,3,4-are omitted. (5) generates the 4-exoderivatives (6) and (7) which, after decomplexation, yield the corresponding 4-alkyl-2-met hyltetrahydroisoquinolines. Exclusive removal of the 4-exo-proton of complex (4) presumably occurs because co-ordination of the butyl-lithium to the nitrogen directs the base to the 4-position whilst the bulk of the tricarbonylchromium moiety prevents approach to the 4-endo-proton. ' ** R N\ =,pp N\ -dN , Cr(Co)3 / CrKO), C r (CO), ( 5 ) (6) R = M e ( 7 ) R = E t &erne I.
Subsequent addition of alkyl halides toWe describe here the extension of this methodology to the stereoselective synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted-2-methyltetrahydroisoquinolines.
Results and DiscussionTreatment of complex (4) with t-butyl-lithium at -78 "C followed by the addition of methyl iodide gave, after work-up, a 2 : l mixture of complexes (6) and (8) which were readily separable by column chromatography. Complex (6) was identical with an authentic sample of tricarbonyl-2,4,-exodimethy1tetrahydroisoquinoIine)chromium.' The structure of complex (8) followed from its 'H n.m.r. spectrum; the AB system, 6 3.50,3.27 (JAB 15 H...