The fidelity susceptibility and trace distance in the valence‐bond‐solid (VBS) transition of a quantum mixed spin chain is investigated, which consists of unit cells arrayed as 1/2‐1/2‐1‐1 with alternating Heisenberg antiferromagnetic exchange couplings, by using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method in the matrix product state (MPS) form. It is observed that the fidelity susceptibility and the first derivative of the trace distance display explicit divergence near the quantum critical point. The information about the quantum criticality, such as the quantum critical point and correlation length critical exponent, is extracted from the finite size scaling behaviors. The obtained quantum critical point is more accurate than previous work, and the existence of the scaling function of the trace distance near the critical point is observed numerically for the first time. In addition, it is also found that the trace distance between two sites can supplement the VBS picture for describing the change of the ground state as the control parameter is varied through the quantum critical point.