“…Mononuclear phagocytes are not only highly specialized phagocytic cells, but they also synthesize and secrete a large number of biologically Abbreviations used: CraK-EDTA, rat serum diluted 1:15 in iso-osmotic veronal-buffered saline containing EDTA (40mmol-1-'); VBS, iso-osmotic veronal-buffered saline, pH 7.5, containing sodium barbitone (0.375g/1), diethylbarbituric acid (0.575g/1) and NaCl (8.5g/1); PBS, phosphate-buffered saline, pH7.4, containing K,HPO4 (0.34g/1), KH2PO4 (1.21 g/l) and NaCI (8g/1); DGVB2+, equal volumes of VBS containing CaCI, (150pmol.1-') and MgCI2 (lmmol-11); RPMI-PBS-EDTA, equal volumes of RPM 1.1640 and PBS containing EDTA (10mmol-1-'); PBS-BSA, PBS containing bovine serum albumin (1%, w/v); RPMI-FCS, RPMI.1640 containing 20O (v/v) active products (Nathan et al, 1980). Among the proteins that are secreted by these cells are components of the complement system (Colten, 1976;Hartung & Hadding, 1983). So far it has been shown that human mononuclear phagocytes synthesize CT subcomponents (Muller et al, 1978), C2 (Einstein et al, 1976) C3 (Strunk et al, 1983) and factors B, D, P, H and I of the alternative pathway (Whaley, 1980).…”