The purpose of present work was to obtain bactericidal materials using heulandite-clinoptilolite from the Rkoni plot of the Tedzami deposit, Eastern Georgia, and to use them as a filler for the production of bactericidal paper. Materials remaining the zeolite crystal structure, containing over 130 mg/g of silver, 70 mg/g of copper, and 55 mg/g of zinc, and showing bacteriostatic activity towards pathogenic bacteria and fungi were prepared in laboratory and the filled papers were manufactured on the production lines of the GPM company. It was found that the introduction of zeolite fillers leads to an increase in the grammage, thickness and density of the paper, as well as to a certain decrease in the tensile strength in the machine direction. The introduction of zeolite fillers containing divalent metals causes a significant change in surface properties, and samples with a certain copper content become absolutely waterproof. Testing of bacteriostatic activity by disc diffusion method revealed only activity of paper with a silver-containing filler against E. coli and staphylococcus, while the colony forming unit assay indicates the activity of all metal-containing samples against staphylococcus and all zinc-containing samples against E. coli. The greatest activity against E. coli is shown by paper with a high content of zinc, against staphylococcus, paper with a high content of copper. These results are very important from a practical point of view, since they open up the possibility of replacing silver with copper and zinc.