“…In addition, it is interesting to note that X-ray structure determination of 2 m and 2 o shows that the substituents adjacent to the amine moiety prefer an axial orientation due to the steric bulky of sulfonyl group (Scheme 3, bottom). [13] However, the cyclization of alkenylamines like 1 a generally undergoes 5-exo model to give five-membered ring, which is opposite to our results. [8] Based on this consideration, there are three different mechanism manifolds to address the six-membered ring 2 a formation (Scheme 4): 1) the reaction yields five-membered product 3 a first, then a isomerization of 3 a occurs to give six-membered ring 2 a via an aziridinium intermediate III (path a); [14] 2) the formation of aziridinium intermediate III might be formed through in- www.chemeurj.org tramolecular nucleophilic attack at carbon center of Pd IV intermediate II by N moiety with concomitant Pd II release (path b); 3) alternatively, if a reversible 5-exo and 6-endo aminopalladation was involved, and the oxidative cleavage of C À Pd II bond of intermediate IV to generate the C À Cl bond was faster than that of I, the reaction might expect to generate six-membered product 2 a as sole or major product (path c).…”