The use of anti-reflection coatings on 3D-printed components to reduce both Fresnel reflections and scattering is explored. Two similar photo-initiated acrylic commercial material structures, known as Standard Clear (SC: T~60% @ λ = 800 nm) and VeroClear (VC: T~90% @ λ = 800 nm), used specifically for optical components, are examined. The refractive indices for slab samples~(5 × 5 × 0.7) cm are measured at λ = 650 nm and averaged over the slab area: n(SC)~(1.49 ± 0.04) and n(VC)~(1.42 ± 0.03). Within experimental error, novel Shore D mapping is used to show hardness distribution across the surface flats, with VC slightly harder than SC, where VC = 85.9 ± 0.3 and SC = 84.4 ± 1.3, indicating uniform hardness. A TiO2/MgF2 anti-reflection twin-layer coating is deposited onto one side of an unpolished SC slab and binds well, passing standard peeling and humidity tests. Shore hardness increases to SCCOATED = 87.5 ± 1.5. It is found to reduce the measured Fresnel reflection and surface scatter by~65% without requiring major polishing, paving the way for lower-cost high-quality optics. The demonstration of successful anti-reflection coatings will benefit all 3D-printed component finishes, permitting viable film deposition more broadly.