References 665 Dermot O'Hare was born and educated in Newry, Co Down, N. Ireland. He received his B.A. in 1982 at Balliol College, Oxford, and subsequently remained there to carry out his D.Phil. under the supervision of Professor M. L. H. Green FRS. In 1985 he was awarded a Royal Commission of 1851 Research Fellowship. In 1986−87 he spent one year at the CR&D Laboratories of E.I. duPont de Nemours in Wilmington, DE, working with Professor J. S. Miller. He is currently a University Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry and a Septcentenary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. He has published research articles on a wide range of topics from synthetic molecular organometallic chemistry to time-resolved, in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. In 1993 he co-authored with Professor D. W. Bruce the book entitled Inorganic Materials, which has just appeared as a 2nd edition. In 1996 he was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry's Sir Edward Frankland Fellowship.