SAYYAH, AFIFI et al.: The infrared absorption characteristics of poly(methy1 methacrylate) Acta Polymerica 38 (1987) Nr. 7 443 t o t h e solvent and temperature i n t h e used range. These results are of great practical importance.The most relevant result is shown in Figure 4, which shows t h e carbonylic regions of t h e copolymers 13C-NMR spectra. It is observed t h a t there is n o separation of t h e carbonylic signals for t h e BM-MM-AA copolymer, while t h e carbonylic group of t h e BM-MM-MA copolymer is found clearly more unshielding t h a n t h a t of t h e esters as a result of its association with pyridine.The fact t h a t t h e BM-MM-AA acid group is n o t associated with pyridine was interpreted a s a result of strong internal interactions that give place t o t h e formation of acid dimers.The infrared spectra of poly(methy1 methacrylate) samples doped with different luminescent materials show no drastic changes in the position and intensity of the absorption bands, except in case of @-naphthol. From this it is supposed that there is no interaction between the dopant and PMMA with most of the investigated materials, while with B-naphthol hydrogen bonding between adjacent molecules in the polymer matrix is observed.
Die Infrarotnbsorplion yon mit lumineszierenden Substanzen dotiertem Poly(rnethylmethacrylaf)Die Infrarotspektren von Poly(methylmethacry1at)-Proben, die mit verschiedenen lumineszierenden Substanzen dotiert wurden, weisen auRer beim B-Naphthol keine wesentlichen Anderungen der Lage iind Intensitlt der Absorptionsbanden auf. Daher wird angenommen, daR zwischen den meisten Dotierungsmitteln und PMMA lieine Wechselwirlcung besteht, wahrend beim @-Naphthol zwischen benachbarten Molekulen in der Polymermati i s Wasserstoffbindungen auftreten.
MR-a6cop 6 y u nosumemusmemaicpuAama, codepxazyeeo momunecyup ymzyue npuMecuB IIH-enempax 06pa3qOB nonHMeTHnMeTaKpmnaTa, coDepmawHx p a 3 n~s~b r e n~o~~~e c q~p y~o~~e BemecTBa, 3aACKJIIoYeHHeM o6paaqa C @-Ha@TOJIOM, He ~a 6 n m~a e~c~1 3HaYHTeJIbHbIX H3MeHeHHP nOJlOH(t?HUFI II HHTeHCHBHOCTA nonoc a 6 c o p 6 q n~. n O 3 T O M y CYHTaeTCfI, YTO Memay nMMA EI 6OJIblZIHHCTBOM npHMeceii B3aHMOAefiCTEHFI He MMeeTCR, B TO BpeMFI H a K B CJIyYae @-Ha@TOJIa B nOJIHMepHOfi MaTpEIqe B03HHKaIoT BO)7,OPOHHbIe CBFI3H MemHy COCeAHHMEI MOJIeKyJIaMM Ministry of Education of Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Pedagogical Institute A. M. Gorki, Kiev/UkrSSRAn experimental method and a device for studying heat transfer coefficients in structurizing polymers have been workrd out. Experimental data on thermal conductivity, hrat conduction and volume heat capacity of systems on the hasis of epoxy oligomers a t curing are presented. The effect of different modifiers on the dynamics of the thermal properties is described.