In contrast to the
nonaromatic meta-benziporphyrins,
the para-benziporphyrins possess aromatic character
depending on the type of five-membered ring present in the macrocyclic
core. The effects of changing the para-benziporphyrinic
core from C2N3 to C2NSN, C2NSeN, and C2NTeN by replacing the pyrrole with other five-membered
heterocycles such as thiophene, selenophene, and tellurophene on aromatic
properties of p-benziporphyrins are described here
using spectral, electrochemical, X-ray, and density functional theory
(DFT) studies. The missing core-modified p-benziporphyrins
with C2NSeN and C2NTeN cores were synthesized
by condensing 1 equiv of benzitripyrrane and 1,3-benzene-bis((4-phenyl)methanol
with an appropriate diol such as 2,5-bis[(p-tolyl)hyroxymethyl]selenophene
and 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)tellurophene under mild acid-catalyzed
conditions at room temperature and characterized in detail by high-resolution
mass spectrometry (HR-MS), one- & two-dimensional NMR, and X-ray
crystallography of the one of the macrocycles, Selena p-benziporphyrin. The X-ray structure of Selena p-benziporphyrin revealed that the macrocycle was almost planar apart
from the p-phenylene ring, which was deviated by
49.71° from the mean plane of the macrocycle defined by four meso carbons, unlike Selena m-benziporphyrin,
which is relatively more distorted. NMR studies revealed that, as
the core changes from C2N3 to C2NSN,
C2NSeN, and C2NTeN, the diatropic ring current
decreases, indicating that the aromatic character also decreases in
the same order. X-ray structure and DFT studies also revealed that
the distortion in the macrocycle increases as the pyrrole ring of p-benziporphyrin was replaced with other heterocycles such
as furan, thiophene, selenophene, and tellurophene and that the tellura p-benziporphyrin was the most distorted macrocycle among
core-modified p-benziporphyrins. Absorption and electrochemical
properties were in agreement with these observations. Our repeated
attempts on metalation of these p-benziporphyrins
resulted in the successful synthesis of a Pd(II) complex of tellura p-benziporphyrin. The Pd(II) complex was characterized by
HR-MS and NMR techniques, and the structure was optimized by DFT.
The studies indicated that the Pd(II) ion was bonded to one of the
pyrrolic nitrogens, tellurophene, tellurium, and two chloride ions
in distorted square-planar geometry.