“…for 1:2 26.26 (11) pm) than that of CuÀN1 (for 1:2 08.4(3) pm) in all complexes.S tructuralc omparison of 1-3 (Table 1) does not show any major effect on the coordination geometry resulting from the addition of the extended p-system, which is in agree-ment with the results from NMRs pectroscopy.H owever, as malli ncrease in the P1-Cu-P2 angle can be recognized when comparing complexes 2 and 3 with 1.T his might be explained by p-p interaction of one phenylr ing of the Xantphos ligand with the extended p-systemo ft he Me 2 dpq and the Me 2 dppz ligands, respectively.I nterestingly,t here are no stacked dimers observed in the solid-state of complex 3 (Figure SI3 in the Supporting Information), which are typical for other coordination compounds containing such ap lanard ppz ligand. [36,48] In addition to X-ray analysis, density functional theory (DFT) calculations provide furtheri nsight into the structural characterization (for details, see the Supporting Information).F or example,t he calculated CuÀNb onds of 1-3 (e.g.,f or 1:2 13 pm, Ta ble SI2 and Figure SI4 in the Supporting Information) are increased comparedw ith the homoleptic complex 4 (204 pm), whereas the N-Cu-N bite angles of 1-3 (e.g.,f or 1:7 9.7 8)a re smaller than in 4 (82. 8 8), supporting the results from X-ray crystallography.T his behaviorc an be explained by the introductiono ft he sterically more demandingX antphos ligand.…”