DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2019.1676685
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Synthesizing an implementation framework for responsible research and innovation

Abstract: The concept of Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) seems to gain initial momentum. The lack of collective meaning however, results in a plethora of publications, which describe RRI from ad hoc perspectives. To provide a robust foundation for scholars and practitioners seeking to implement RRI, we aim to integrate those perspectives through a literature review. We develop a practical framework for RRI, synthesized from earlier frameworks and ideas, that can be operationalized in research and innovation prac… Show more

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Cited by 58 publications
(64 citation statements)
References 45 publications
(135 reference statements)
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“…This is also where attention can be drawn to the responsible governance of serendipity of social innovation. Fraaije and Flipse (2019) clarify that Responsible Research & Innovation literature underlines the importance of transparency, inclusion, reflexivity, anticipation and responsiveness as contributing factors to responsible product development. More specifically, Stilgoe, Owen, andMacnaghten (2013, 1571) note that in scientific laboratories that try to work towards being more reflexive, efforts are made to 'include social scientists as well as philosophers in order to raise awareness to the socio-ethical context' of laboratory work.…”
Section: Trasformatorio: Serendipity and Improvisation In Actionmentioning
confidence: 95%
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“…This is also where attention can be drawn to the responsible governance of serendipity of social innovation. Fraaije and Flipse (2019) clarify that Responsible Research & Innovation literature underlines the importance of transparency, inclusion, reflexivity, anticipation and responsiveness as contributing factors to responsible product development. More specifically, Stilgoe, Owen, andMacnaghten (2013, 1571) note that in scientific laboratories that try to work towards being more reflexive, efforts are made to 'include social scientists as well as philosophers in order to raise awareness to the socio-ethical context' of laboratory work.…”
Section: Trasformatorio: Serendipity and Improvisation In Actionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…This also connects well to current ideas about the governance of responsible innovation. As Fraaije and Flipse (2019) show, responsible innovation literature highlights the importance of 'transparency, inclusion, reflexivity, anticipation and responsiveness', which are concepts that Trasformatorio embraces in its situated awareness approach, and in its combining of different, interacting, innovation spaces.…”
Section: Conclusion: Serendipity As Part Of Responsible Innovation Thmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Anticipation involves systematic thinking in order for organisations to consider uncertainty, the possibility of something happening or not happening, what is possible, risk [14], and an overview of possible outcomes and alternatives [88]. Rogers-Hayden and Pidgeon argued that "anticipation processes must be timely so that they are early enough to be constructive but late enough to be meaningful" (as cited in Stilgoe et al [14]).…”
Section: Anticipationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Responsibility requires reflexivity on the part of actors and institutions, and refers to the process of self-awareness, rather like holding up a mirror to scrutinise oneself [14], in order to understand the social aspects of an innovation [88]. The study by Lubberink et al [17] refers on a practical level to actions such as values and motivations, knowledge, and perceived realities for responsible actions.…”
Section: Reflexivenessmentioning
confidence: 99%
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