A new parametric method for generating synthetic faces is proposed in this study which could be used for psychophysics studies on face perception [1]. Two separate programs, one in Delphi 2005 programming environment and another in MATLAB ® is developed to sample real faces and generating synthetic faces respectively. The user can choose to utilize default configurations or to customize specific configurations to generate a set of synthetic faces. Head-shape and inner-hairline is sampled in a polar coordinate frame, located at the center of a line connecting two eyes at 16 and 9 eqi-angular positions. Three separate frames are placed at the left eye center, nose tip and lips to sample them with 20, 30 and 44 angular points respectively. Eyebrows are sampled with 8 points in eye coordinate systems. Augmenting vectors representing these features and their distance from the origin generates a vector of size 95. For a synthesized face, intermediate points are generated using spline curves and the whole image is