The enzyme composition of human pancreatic juice has been studied by immunological techniques, using non‐activated and activated juice.
Antisera were prepared with activated and non‐activated pancreatic juice. Same samples of antisera were adsorbed with human serum. Immunoelectrophoresis was carried out at pH 8.6 and disc immunoelectrophoresis at pH 8.9 and 5.0. Gel‐diffusion media contained benzamidine, to prevent zymogen activation. Precipitation lines were characterized by activating the zymogens on the plates with trypsin, and identifying the enzymes produced using specific synthetic substrates.
Immunoelectrophoresis showed 15–20 antigenic constituents. Although disc immunoelectrophoresis gave slightly different results, those were consistent with the results of immunoelectrophoresis.
The following active enzymes were identified and localized: α‐amylase, lipase and carboxylester hydrolase, which is a lipolytic enzyme structurally and catalytically different from lipase.
Several zymogens were identified: two immunologically distinct trypsinogens, one procarboxypeptidase B, two forms of procarboxypeptidase A, which are immunologically identical, and two proelastases with some common antigenic determinants. After activation, both proelastases showed a weak but different degree of chymotryptic activity. Chymotrypsinogen was localized in two major anionic lines, and one, minor, cationic line. The possibility that one anionic immune precipitate represents a polymer is discussed. No chymotryptic activity was associated with procarboxypeptidase A.
Immunoelectrophoresis of activated pancreatic juice demonstrates electrophoretic and antigenic changes. Activation of one anionic trypsinogen gave rise to cationic trypsin, whereas after activation chymotrypsinogens and procarboxypeptidases A showed no important change.