U. KLAG~S I n~i t U t f i i r g e r i c h t l i c h e M e d i z i n u n d K r i m i n~i s t i k d e r U n i v e r s R~t H a m b u r g Eingegangen a m 3 1 . J a n u a r 1970 S p o n t a n e o u s V e r s u s T r a u m a t i c L e t h a l S u b a r a c h n o i d H e m o r r h a g eSummary. The literature referring to spontaneous or post-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage and to lesions of the basal cerebral arteries was compiled and evaluated. Cases with civil (compensatory) or criminal implications were particularly emphasized, as were cases suited for differential diagnosis. A total of 100 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage is reported; of this ten wore presumably associated with blunt injury to the head. I n seven cases such causal relationship was considered highly probable. The evaluation differs depending on the respective source of bleeding.2. Rupture of a basal cerebral artery showing no pathological changes: Rupture of a basal cerebral artery showing no pathological changes is most probably traumatic, however, difficult to prove. In most cases additional criteria for such causal relationship are required: sufficient force of impact, adequate temporal relationship, exclusion of bleeding due to other causes. All these criteria must be present for criminal prosecution.3. When the source of bleeding cannot be found: In these cases evaluation is most difficult. Criminal causality is justified if thorough examination of the entire basilar cerebral artery system fails to reveal an anomaly or pathological changes, thereby excluding bleeding due to another cause. Certain typical impacts, youthful age of the deceased and very frequent alcoholic intoxication favour the assumption of such causal relationship.
Key-Words:Hirnbasisarterien --plStzlicher Tod --Schi~deltrauma --Begutachtung. Zusammen]assung. Das einschl/~gige Schrifttum fiber die spontanen und posttraumatisehen basalen Subarachnoidalblutungen sowie fiber die Ver]etzungsmSglichkeiten der Hirnbasisarterien wurde zusammengestellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde solchen Bcobachtungen des Schrifttums gewidmet, welche einen Kausalzusammenhang in strafrechtlieher oder versicherungsrechtlieher Hinsicht erkennen lassen oder umgekehrt zur differentialdiagnosti-6 Z. l%echtsmedizin • J. Legal Med. Bd. 67