We consider effective model where photons interact with scalar field corresponding to conformal excitations of the internal space (geometrical moduli/gravexcitons). We demonstrate that this interaction results in a modified dispersion relation for photons, and consequently, the photon group velocity depends on the energy implying the propagation time delay effect. We suggest to use the experimental bounds of the time delay of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) photons propagation as an additional constrain for the gravexciton parameters.PACS numbers: 04.50.+h, 11.25.Mj, Lorentz invariance (LI) of physical laws is one of the corner stone of modern physics. There is a number of experiments confirming this symmetry at energies we can approach now. For example, on a classical level, the rotation invariance has been tested in Michelson-Morley experiments, and the boost invariance has been tested in Kennedy-Torhndike experiments [1]. Although, up to now, LI is well established experimentally, we cannot say surely that at higher energies it is still valid. Moreover, modern astrophysical and cosmological data (e.g. UHECR, dark matter, dark energy, etc) indicate for a possible LI violation (LV). To resolve these challenges, there are number of attempts to create new physical models, such as M/string theory, Kaluza-Klein models, brane-world models, etc. [1].In this paper we investigate LV test related to photon dispersion measure (PhDM). This test is based on the LV effect of a phenomenological energy-dependent speed of photon [2,3,4,5,6,7,8], for recent studies see Ref.[9] and references therein.The formalism that we use is based on the analogy with electromagnetic waves propagation in a magnetized medium, and extends previous works [8,10,11]. In our model, instead of propagation in a magnetized medium, the electromagnetic waves are propagating in vacuum filled with a scalar field ψ. LV occurs because of an interaction term f(ψ)F 2 where F is an amplitude of the electromagnetic field. Such an interaction might have different origins. In the string theory ψ could be a dilaton field [12,13]. The field ψ could be associated with geometrical moduli. In brane-world models the similar term describes an interaction between the bulk dilaton and the Standard Model fields on the brane [14]. In Ref.[15], such an interaction was obtained in N = 4 * Electronic address: bauch˙vGR@ukr.net † Electronic address: zhuk@paco.net ‡ Electronic address: tinatin@phys.ksu.edu super-gravity in four dimensions. In Kaluza-Klein models the term f(ψ)F 2 has the pure geometrical origin, and it appears in the effective, dimensionally reduced, four dimensional action (see e.g. [16,17]). In particular, in reduced Einstein-Yang-Mills theories, the function f (ψ) coincides (up to a numerical prefactor) with the volume of the internal space. Phenomenological (exactly solvable) models with spherical symmetries were considered in Refs. [18]. To be more specific, we consider the model which is based on the reduced Einstein-Yang-Mills theory [17], where the term ∝ ψF 2 de...