We report for the first time specific conformational changes for a homogeneous population of ligand-bound adult deoxy human hemoglobin A (HbA) generated by introducing CO into a sample of deoxy-HbA with the effector, inositol hexaphosphate, encapsulated in a porous sol-gel. The preparation of ligand-bound deoxyHbA results from the speed of ligand diffusion relative to globin conformational dynamics within the sol-gel (1). The ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) difference spectra obtained reveal that E helix motion is initiated upon ligand binding, as signaled by the appearance of an ␣1415 Trp W3 band difference at 1559 cm ؊1 . The subsequent appearance of Tyr (Y8a and Y9a) and W3 (1549 cm ؊1 ) UVRR difference bands suggest conformational shifts for the penultimate Tyr␣140 on the F helix, the "switch" region Tyr␣42, and the "hinge" region Trp37. The UVRR results expose a sequence of conformational steps leading up to the ligation-induced T to R quaternary structure transition as opposed to a single, concerted switch. More generally, this report demonstrates that sol-gel encapsulation of proteins can be used to study a sequence of specific conformational events triggered by substrate binding because the traditional limitation of substrate diffusion times is overcome.A molecular level understanding of how proteins function requires not only a three-dimensional picture of equilibrium structures but also a time-ordered sequence of functionally related molecular events. The second requirement is difficult because of the challenge of either trapping detectable populations of nonequilibrium structures or creating a synchronized nonequilibrium population whose dynamics can be followed.Because protein dynamics can span many decades in time starting on the picosecond time scale, it is often necessary to prepare the evolving population using a short, laser-derived excitation pulse. This approach has been very useful when starting with ligand-saturated hemeproteins. Nanosecond and faster photodissociation of ligand-bound hemoglobins has shed considerable light on the sequence of molecular steps associated with the tertiary and quaternary structure changes in the globin that follow ligand dissociation (2-10).The sequence of conformational events following solventderived (non-geminate) ligand binding to deoxy hemoglobin is much more of a challenge because of the temporal constraints imposed by ligand diffusion. The initial conformational responses to ligand or substrate binding to a given protein will typically be faster than the diffusion time that is inherent to any rapid mixing experiments. In the present work, an approach to overcoming this limitation, based on sol-gel encapsulation, is presented in which the conformational response time is extended well beyond the ligand diffusion time. Thus we have been able to use UVRR 1 to probe the initial sequence of conformation changes in hemoglobin when CO binds to the equilibrium form of deoxy-HbA.The encapsulation of proteins in porous TMOS-derived solgels has been shown to oc...