In this article, our prime objective is to study the inflationary paradigm in the context of the generalized tachyon (GTachyon) living on the world volume of a non-BPS string theory. The tachyon action is considered here is modified compared to the original action. One can quantify the amount of the modification via a power q instead of 1/2 in the effective action. Using this set-up we study inflation by various types of tachyonic potentials, using which we constrain the index q within, 1/2 < q < 2, and a specific combination (∝ α M 4 s /g s ) of the Regge slope α , the string coupling constant g s and the mass scale of tachyon M s , from the recent Planck 2015 and Planck+BICEP2/Keck Array joint data. We explicitly study the inflationary consequences from single field, assisted field and multi-field tachyon set-ups. Specifically for the single field and assisted field cases we derive the results in the quasi-de Sitter background in which we will utilize the details of cosmological perturbations and quantum fluctuations. Also we derive the expressions for all inflationary observables using any arbitrary vacuum and the Bunch-Davies vacuum. For the single field and the assisted field cases we derive the inflationary flow equations, new sets of consistency relations. Also we derive the field excursion formula for the tachyon, which shows that assisted inflation is on the safe side compared to the single field case to validate the effective field theory framework. Further we study the features of the CMB angular power spectrum from TT, TE and EE correlations from scalar fluctuations within the allowed range of q for each of the potentials from the single field set-up. We also put constraints from the temperature anisotropy and polarization spectra, which shows that our analysis is consistent with the Planck 2015 data. Finally, using the δ N formalism we derive Sayantan Choudhury: Presently working as a Visiting (Post-Doctoral) fellow at DTP, TIFR, Mumbai On lien from Harish