Control barrier functions have been demonstrated to be a useful method of ensuring constraint satisfaction for a wide class of controllers, however existing results are mostly restricted to continuous time systems of relative degree one. Mechanical systems, including robots, are typically second-order systems in which the control occurs at the force/torque level. These systems have velocity and position constraints (i.e. relative degree two) that are vital for safety and/or task execution. Additionally, mechanical systems are typically controlled digitally as sampleddata systems. The contribution of this work is two-fold. First, is the development of novel, robust control barrier functions that ensure constraint satisfaction for relative degree two, sampleddata systems in the presence of model uncertainty. Second, is the application of the proposed method to the challenging problem of robotic grasping in which a robotic hand must ensure an object remains inside the grasp while manipulating it to a desired reference trajectory. A grasp constraint satisfying controller is proposed that can admit existing nominal manipulation controllers from the literature, while simultaneously ensuring no slip, no over-extension (e.g. singular configurations), and no rolling off of the fingertips. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed control for the robotic hand application.