Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in infectiousCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a classic tool for diagnosing infectious diseases of the nervous system (NS).The main diseases that can be diagnosed among NS infectious diseases are acute meningitis, acute meningoencephalitis and chronic meningitis.
Acute bacterial meningitisYou may be aware that a lumbar puncture may save the life of a patent if correctly indicated. There is no other diagnostic tool that can be used in these patients
ABStrACtCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis very frequently makes the difference to the diagnosis, not only in relation to infections but also in other diseases of the nervous system such as inflammatory, demyelinating, neoplastic and degenerative diseases. The authors review some practical and important features of CSF analysis in infectious diseases of the nervous system, with regard to acute bacterial meningitis, herpetic meningoencephalitis, neurotuberculosis, neurocryptococcosis, neurocysticercosis and neurosyphilis.Keywords: cerebrospinal fluid, central nervous system, bacterial meningitis, herpes simplex virus, meningoencephalitis, meningeal tuberculosis, cryptococcal meningitis, neurocysticercosis, neurosyphilis.rESUMO O exame de líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR) é frequentemente o elemento determinante para o diagnóstico não somente de infecções mas também de outras doenças do sistema nervoso, tais como doenças inflamatórias, desmielinizantes, neoplásicas e degenerativas. Os autores reveem alguns aspectos práticos e importantes quanto ao papel do exame de LCR em meningites bacterianas agudas, meningoencefalite herpética, neurotuberculose, neurocriptococose, neurocisticercose e neurossífilis.Palavras-Chave: líquido celalorraquidiano, sistema nervoso, meningites bacterianas, encefalites por herpes vírus, tuberculose meníngea, meningite criptococócica, neurocisticercose, neurossífilis.