Abstract-Intra organisational information sharing is a tool that can ensure efficiency within the organization. Benefits of this include amongst others; conservation of vital information, time saving, reduced expenditure, and minimisation of information duplication. We investigate the benefits of intra organisational information sharing as a tool in an organisation. The study characterised, examined and discussed detail information sharing, image annotation, content based image retrieval, as well as semantic tagging and taxonomy. The crucial element of this tool is annotation, and the significant role it plays in the success of intra organisational information sharing. Furthermore; since the users are the outlets of the information that will be fed into the intra organisational information sharing; the study also investigates the manner in which users approach the indexing of information to be shared. We also investigate manners in which the shared information should be described during indexing, and how the description impacts on the ease of other users to access and annotate the information and the contents. The study also investigated existing methods that influence the manner in which users tag and these include; amongst others; model based, descriptive as well as categorised. These are methods that are commonly recommended to ensure simplicityof sharing and retrieving of information by receipt users from the framework created. Methods that are used to retrieve information from the system itself were also investigated. These are tailored into the six design science (DS) steps using programming language and specific design and development methodsts the footnote at the bottom of this column.