Quantum dots acting as single photon emitters in the blue-green range are fabricated and characterized at cryogenic temperature. They consist in CdSe dots inserted in (Zn,Mg)Se nanowires with a thick shell. Photoluminescence spectra, decay curves and autocorrelation functions were measured under nonresonant continuous-wave and pulsed excitation. An analytical approach is applied simultaneously to the decay curves and correlation functions. It allows a quantitative description of how these two quantities are affected by the exciton rise due to biexciton feeding, the bright exciton decay, the effect of the dark exciton, and the re-excitation between two laser pulses. Linewidths at our limit of resolution (200 µeV) are recorded. The reported correlation counts vary from a full control by re-excitation from traps, to a small contribution of re-excitation by mobile carriers or other QDs, as low as 5%.