11Solar photovoltaic systems have become one of the most popular topics in the water 12 management industry. Moreover, irrigation networks are water-and energy-hungry, and utility 13 managers are likely to adapt water consumption (and consequently energy demand) to the 14 hours in which there is energy availability. In countries such as Spain (with high irradiance 15 values), solar energy is an available green alternative characterised by zero electricity costs and 16 significantly lower environmental impact. In this work, several types of irrigation scheduled 17 programmes (according to different irrigation sectors) that minimise the number of 18 photovoltaic solar panels to be installed are studied; moreover, the effects of the variable costs 19 linked to energy (energy and emissions costs) are presented. Finally, the effect of incorporating 20 batteries for storing energy to protect the system against emergencies, such as unfavourable 21 weather, is proposed. The irrigation hours available to satisfy water demands are limited by 22 sunlight; they are also limited by the condition that the irrigation schedule type has to be rigid 23 (predetermined rotation) and that the pressure at any node has to be above minimum pressure 24 required by standards. A real case study is performed, and the results obtained demonstrate 25 that there is no universal solution; this is because the portfolio of alternatives is based on 26