Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary branch of science which involves the manipulation and control of matter at the nanometer scale to produce new structures, materials, and devices. The concept of nanotechnology was first introduced by Richard P. Feynman [1] in 1959. Since then, nanotechnology has become a research area which promises advancements in many aspects of human life, including electronics, agriculture, transportation, food industry, communication, energy, biological sciences, and medicine. Nanomedicine, the application of nanotechnology in the field of medicine, has the potential to make a great impact on human health and has already impacted and reshaped many aspects of clinical practice and research. Nanotechnology-based materials with unique physical, chemical, and biological characteristics offer a variety of new approaches for clinical practices ranging from prevention to treatment and diagnosis of many diseases and conditions. [2][3][4][5] Among all the applications of nanotechnology in medicine, nano-based drugIn recent years, nanotechnology has led to significant scientific and technological advances in diverse fields, specifically within the field of medicine. Owing to the revolutionary implications in drug delivery, nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems have gained an increasing research interest in the current medical field. A variety of nanomaterials with unique physical, chemical and biological properties have been engineered to develop new drug delivery systems for the local, sustained and targeted delivery of drugs with improved therapeutic efficiency and less or no toxicity, representing a very promising approach for the effective management of diseases. The utility of nanotechnology, particularly in the field of orthopedics, is a topic of extensive research. Nanotechnology has a great potential to revolutionize treatment, diagnostics, and research in the field of orthopedics. Nanophase drug delivery has shown great promise in their ability to deliver drugs at nanoscale for a variety of orthopedic applications. In this review, we discuss recent advances in the field of nanostructured drug delivery systems for orthopedic applications.